There so many loaning options and offers that are made available in the market, this makes selecting the best loan offer for you a bit more complicated than it really should be. But to help you make the wisest choice you can possibly make, here is a compilation of the best deals available in the market by far. However, bear in mind that the deals and rates shown below may not be granted to you and declined credit application will leave a dent on your credit history.
- M&S Bank
M&S bank offers a 3.3pc rate and also gives the borrower the chance to loan from ₤7,000 up to ₤15,000 and can be paid from one up to seven calendar years. But of course, credit offering will still rely on the borrower’s credit record.
- Sainsbury’s Bank
Like the previously mentioned M&S Bank, the Sainsbury’s Bank also offers a rate of 3.3pc on loans amounting to ₤7,500 up to ₤15,000. However, if the certain borrower does not have nectar, the rate will rise to 3.4pc. The only difference between M&S Bank and Sainsbury’s Bank is that in this bank the loan can be cleared and paid back in the span of two to three years compared to the former – much shorter than that of M&S Bank.
Similar to Sainsbury’s Bank, HSBC offers loan rates at 3.3pc for loan amounting from ₤7,500 up to ₤15,000. However, credit with HSBC has a five-year repayment period, which is nearly double the amount of time it takes to payback a loan for Sainsbury’s Bank.
- Nationwide
Nationwide offers loans with interest rates slightly higher than that of the other banks mentioned above. This bank offers loans at 3.4pc on personal loans amounting to ₤7,500 up to ₤14,999 to be pain in the span of one to five calendar years.
- Clydesdale Bank
Just like Nationwide, Clydesdale Bank offers loans at 3.4pc on amounts from ₤7,500 up to ₤15,000. These loans can be paid in the span of one to seven years, though sometimes, with a five year limit on some loans, depending on the borrower’s credit record over the past couple of years.
The same terms and conditions are followed at Yorkshire Bank since it is the northern England counterpart of Clydesdale Bank.
- Tesco Bank
This bank offers loans between ₤7,500 up to ₤15,000 at 3.6pc for clients who are club card holders. This loan can be repaid in one to eight years.
- First Direct
The bank that offers the lowest rate there is in the market. Loans of ₤7,500 up to a heaping ₤25,000 can be availed at 3.6pc. However, this loan can only be availed by clients and borrowers holding a first current account. This loan can be repaid in the span of one to seven years.
Again, loans are being offered left and right in the UK. It is solely up to the borrower to determine the most appropriate loan based on current financial and living situation. Be sure to be at the top of your game in evaluating each loan offered by every potential lender. You can also check out payday loans if you want a short term loan.
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